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Tao Effect Forums • View topic - Password a subfolder inside main Dropbox folder

Password a subfolder inside main Dropbox folder

General discussion about Espionage 2.

Password a subfolder inside main Dropbox folder

Postby vfxavier » Tue May 08, 2012 9:01 pm

I have been looking into the Espionage trial for the purpose of securing specific folders with a password, not even with encryption. In this case the folder I want to limit access to is inside a Dropbox folder. Not for any true security in case of a true security attack, just to prevent "casual click-through snooping" on a shared machine.

I've read through the recommended workflow for encrypting Dropbox with Espionage, but I am unsure if my request would still require that workflow or not.

If I select a subfolder of the Dropbox folder, and set it to be protected, with no encryption, just a password, and leave it locked by default, would that still cause the sorts of problems that the traditional Espionage-Dropbox workflow is designed to work around? Or would the lack of encryption in this setup avoid complications? Or would it effectively break Dropbox syncing on that folder?

I can see how this question could be confusing, please let me know if it makes sense, or is outright impossible.

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: Tue May 08, 2012 8:50 pm

Re: Password a subfolder inside main Dropbox folder

Postby zsolt » Tue May 08, 2012 9:14 pm

Hello, to put is simple, if you do not use encryption a machine which does not have Espionage installed, will enter into the folder without any problem.
So the pass protection is working find just in case somebody is accessing the folder from your Mac from your account, say, you forgot to lock the screen and somebody tries to open the folder.
I'm not sure if this is sufficient to you.
If you use encryption, then on the Mac and account which set this folder up, it will react on opening attempt and prompt you for password, on all other machines or users, the folder will not prompt for password, instead it will contain 3 subfolder named
This folder contains encrypted data
It is controlled by Espionage
Do not modify it in this state
and inside there will be a hidden encrypted disk image too, which will contain your data. So even if somebody figures out that there is a disk image, he/she still cannot open it without password.
So this is how it works for regular folders, in case of Drobpox all this applies too except that the setup should be done as per that blog entry you found.

Try to test, and if anything unclear just let me know.

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