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Messages - vicdron

Espionage 3 / Re: Help!!! Mac broken..
August 27, 2017, 12:33:48 PM
Hi Zslot! Very very thanks!! you are de best ;)
Finally following your instructions I can recover the all files, I owe you a beer  :D
Espionage 3 / Help!!! Mac broken..
August 24, 2017, 02:10:45 PM
Hi all!

My Macbook pro 13" 2009 has died  :-\ but HDD it's ok!
I want to recover the encrypted folder in a new MAC OS sierra.
I have installed the last version of Espionage 3.6.6, but I don't know how to recover the info..... in the encrypter folder only there are a file named icon? and nothing more...
Please I need to recover these files  :-[

Thanks a lot!!