Reinstalling OS 10.11 when you have encrypted folders

Started by triarius, April 28, 2016, 01:21:52 PM

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Do you have to remove folders from encryption before doing a clean install of OS 10.11.4?


Hello, if you are doing clean install then the user folder will be empty, you will then populate it in some way, with migration assistant or by copying the data over.

Espoinage keeps all it's data by default in one folder, this is in your LIbrary folder (hidden by default in Finder)/Application Support/com.taoeffect.Espionage3

If you migrate this folder into the new user folder, plus create one empty folder with the same name an in the same path as the originally protected folders, then Espionage should work just like before migration.

If the folders are not big and you want to keep it as simple as possible, then decrypt the folders by right clicking onto folder name in the Espionage folder list and select decrypt folder.

Let me know if you have any further questions,

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