More Folder in one sparsebundle

Started by pogo, October 22, 2009, 09:28:59 AM

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It would be very nice to add an option to let encrypt more folders in ONE sparsebundle. I always run at least Safari, Mail and Adium. So it would be great to just enter a password one time IMO.

Would it be possible?

Regards from germany


Hi pogo,

What you are asking for would require a rewrite of much of the way that Espionage works, which is not likely to happen soon, however, you can avoid having to enter your password for each folder/application by using the "Launch At Login" and "Autounlock at Login" options.

For example, for Mail, select the Mail folder in Espionage, click "Edit Application Associations", and then check "Launch At Login" if it is unchecked. Do this for "Mail Downloads", Adium, and all of the Safari folders too.

If you're using the login keychain, you won't even have to enter your password (except to login to your account), and if you're using the Espionage keychain, you only need to enter you master password upon logging in.  You should also enable the sleep/screensaver password in the Security System Preferences if you decide to do this.

Kind regards,
Greg, Tao Effect
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