How to open an old database copy on a new mac

Started by charti, February 15, 2025, 06:18:58 PM

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My old MBP just died. I have a backup copy of ".sparsebundle" but how to open it on my new MBP?

Thanks for any help.


Hello, the sparsebundle on it's own is not enough. But if you have a backup of your home folder, then we should be able to find the rest what is needed.

Each protected folder needs 3 pieces of info:

1 the disk image which contains the data
2 the mountpoint folder which will be used to display the data
3 the Espionage database which contains the path to the first two, the name of the first two and the password of the disk image

So to make espionage recognise your folders you have to move all this data to a new machine.
The 1 and 3 are all in one folder:

yourhomefolder/Library/Application Support/com.taoeffect.Espionage3

On the backup disk, find the backup session you want to restore from (directly on the backup disk, not through time machine), the Libary folder will again be hidden, you select "Go" menu from the Finder's menus, and in the popup window start to type Library, Finder will fill it out for you till the end, just click OK and you will enter into the library, then again just continue till you find the com.taeoeffect.Espionage3 folder

Once you put this folder into the same path on the new Mac, launch Espionage and all your folders should be present in Espionage folder list.

It might still complain about missing mountpoint folders, then just create an empty folder for each protected folder, click onto small "i" near the folder name in Espionage folder list and use the mountpoint drop down menu to point Espionage to the newly created folder, after that it should start to work,

Let me know how it went,

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I have been reading through these Forum posts and I fear I am making my situation worse and worse. I have been trying to migrate and restore my data fro my old MacBook Pro to my new one. I thought I restored and transferred it but now when I tried to open it up it placed the sparsebundle in the Trash and left an empty Rescued items folder.  I tried using directions to find the password but that didn't work either. I also tried to go back to my old computer and Time Machine backups to see if I could restore my data there but Espionage now tells me that I don't have the correct version to open those backups. I am completely Please help.


Hello, please open a support ticket with us, and I will assist you through a zoom session.

Follow @espionageapp on twitter for news! | For general Mac support, please visit Mac Me Support