accessing v2 time machine backups

Started by gary, November 08, 2013, 10:14:15 AM

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I've upgraded from v2 to v3 and all seems to be working, though it cost me a few days. However, some of my files are missing, can't explain why. I've gone back in Time Machine and wondering if I can use those files which were using v2 (and I no longer have installed).

I have the following folder structure in Time Machine which I'm wondering if I can get my files from.

                This folder contains encrypted data
                 It is controlled by Espionage
                 Do not modify in in this state

Any help much appreciated.


Hi Gary,

Yes, you should be able to recover the files from that backup. If you're using Espionage 3, copy that "MyFolder" to some other location (copy, don't move), and then follow the instructions in the Mavericks Upgrade Guide:

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Also, note that the folders in the "EspionageBackups" folder are not created by Time Machine, but were created by Espionage 2's built-in backups.

If you were also running Time Machine, you can follow the Time Machine restoration instructions for Espionage 2 to retrieve the disk images for those folders, and then follow the Mavericks Guide instructions to either manually restore those disk images, or import them.

E2 Time Machine restoration instructions, along with instructions for other backup methods (for Espionage 2) can be found here:
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