Mounted drive has not files in it after unlocking

Started by Tizzledk, September 25, 2015, 06:20:11 AM

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Hi everyone, I had a folder that was password protected with Espionage and when I unlocked it (it said originally 144 gb of data) it says 1.28 mb of data and has no files in it. I even tried a reboot and nothing there. Any ideas where I can start?


Hello, If the size of the disk image file is indeed 1.28 MB and you expect to have 144GB then the data is surely not there.

But what kind of data did you protect with espionage? 144GB data is rather lot, did you indeed have so much data in it?

If the size of the disk image would be close to the amount of data you expect in the folder then I could suggest you to run a repair disk from the disk utility, but in this case the only thing is to revert to some backup copy...

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I had video files in there funny enough it was there last week suddenly ....poof!! Gone....:(


Hello, it is rather strange what you say, if the file would be missing, OK, it got somehow lost, deleted by accident, if you could not open it, that would be also more probably, although still very rare...files gets corrupted on computers, but it should have the size of the original disk image..., but that the file is present, and not corrupted, possible to open and then having files missing, this is really odd.

Apple used disk image for File Vault 1, relying on it for entire user folders, it still uses them for Time Machine backups on networked drives, so it is to assume that the technology is reliable.

Still at this point I have nothing else to offer you but to suggest you to find a backup copy of it.

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No worries I have a backup copy...thanks for the assistance.


I'm glad you do, backup is a major pain in the a... till you need it...

If you manage to reproduce this problem I would be very interested to learn the details.

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