Espionage 3 in a Filevault world

Started by xco, May 28, 2012, 07:33:18 AM

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Why would I use Espionage 3.0 if I now use Filevault regularly on all my Macs?

What are the advantages vs disadvantages of doing so?


Some reasons could include:

  • Espionage 3 adds an added layer of protection on top of FileVault. If your FileVault password is cracked, or you're forced to give it up, then all of your files are exposed.
  • You can give your computer to a friend to use without worrying that they'll be able to access certain files
  • You can sync your encrypted data with Dropbox between computers.
  • Some users have multiple user accounts and want users to be able to use the machine without knowing the FileVault password

I can't think of any disadvantages.
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